Regional communities

Insight into regional economies

Research Papers/Webinars


Maximising the Value of the Energy Transition for Rural Communities

This report provides an outlook of the energy transition in Queensland and its impact on rural communities.

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Supply Chains of the Sheep and Goat Meat Industry

The purpose of this report is to identify and map the supply chain models that exist in the Qld Sheep and goat meat industry. This will provide a base to develop information and feedback to government and industry to address identified problems and prospects. The underlying aim of this research and subsequent policy advice is to help producers within the industry increase their financial returns and contribute to economic growth in sheep and goat producing communities.
To map and classify the supply chain, interviews were conducted with a number of intermediaries. This allowed the structure of sheep and goat meat supply chains to be assessed in the context of networks, key attributes and critical linkage points. The questions were centred around mapping the supply chain structure and processes. The supply chain questions were conducted using different thematic foci on where value is added, key aspects of the links that make them flexible or rigid, and limitations or opportunities in the supply chain.
Animal management and production was recognised as an integral part of the supply chain.The impact of wild dogs was noted as an issue particularly in southern Queensland, from Warwick through to the western corner. It was noted that the management of breeds and capacity to access improved genetics both for sheep and goat meat would be key to the meat industries’ expansion in Queensland. These genetic improvements may focus on the meat quality and taste, along with animal production traits and characteristics. It wsa also identified that was a critical shortage of expertise regarding animal health, nutrition and management.. The technical support accessed for some of the producers was in Western Australia, which was extremely limiting to the growth of the Qld industry. Goat meat may achieve this once goats are removed from the Biosecurity Act, and sustainable management program is developed.
Sheep and goat meat was identified as having a relatively short-supply chain, particularly in Outback Qld, providing increased food security. However, cold chain logistics are still required to maintain the food network and support the expansion of market access for a number of intermediaries in the supply chain. The road network is critical to this in ensuring all weather access. Employment was identified as a key issue across the supply chain and this, in conjunction with very low margins for some intermediaries, resulted in very fragile supply chains. Informal networks were currently fostering the development of new markets and supporting the viability of a number of players in the supply chain.

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Describing and analysing the Pacific oyster supply chain in Australia

The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) (PO) industry was established in Tasmania and South Australia in the 1950/60s and has significantly increased in its production volume over time. Yet, there is limited information available about the distribution network of POs as well as potential constraints and prospects for the market supply and how the supply chain of POs compares to other oyster products.

Hence, the aims of this report are to a) to describe the PO supply and value chain, b) to identify potential supply chain issues and opportunities, and c) to compare it to other oyster distribution networks (e.g., the Sydney rock oyster (Saccostrea glometata) (SRO)). The comparison of oyster supply chain networks in Australia will help understand the differences in distribution networks and potential reasons for that.

Authors: Peggy Schrobback*, Steven Rust^,
Sarah Ugalde^, and John Rolfe*
*Central Queensland University, School of Business and Law
^University of Tasmania, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies

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Describing, analysing and comparing edible oyster supply chains in Australia

The black-lip oyster (BLO) has been identified as a tropical edible oyster species that could be cultivated on a commercial basis in Northern Australia (Queensland, Northern Territory, and Western Australia). This industry could generate employment, production diversification and economic growth for communities living in northern rural coastal regions of Australia. However, to
develop this industry a better understanding about the potential supply chain for this shellfish product is required. Since Australia produces several other oyster species on a commercial basis, information from the oyster supply chains of these industries can be useful in guiding the development of a supply network BLOs.

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Can cooperative business models coordinate horizontal and vertical supply chains? A case study in the Australian pineapple industry

This study aims to explore the potential for cooperative models to solve current challenges in Australian agriculture. This study also examines the business sustainability of a hybrid cooperative business model and its determinants drawing on an analysis of a pineapple supply chain in Queensland. For this purpose, a cooperative business, Tropical Pines Pty Ltd (Tropical Pines), is used as a case study as it is a hybrid cooperative-business model that successfully coordinates production and marketing across Australia. This research uses a qualitative research approach, thematic content analysis, to identify key lessons about the operation of Tropical Pines. Using a semi-structured questionnaire, 12 individuals representing different stages of pineapple supply chain actors were interviewed and the material was then analysed.

Authors: Delwar Akbar, John Rolfe, Azad Rahman and Darshana Rajapaksa

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Consumer demands - seizing the opportunities in the beef industry

The Australian beef industry has prospects to expand to meet growing demand from Asian export markets. The industry makes a significant contribution to state and national economies and underpin many regional and rural communities. As the same time there are pressures from consumers stemming from concerns about how beef is produced (i.e impacts on animal welfare and environment) or concerns about the impacts of the product (i.e. impacts on sustainability and health). These are termed ‘credence’ attributes because they cannot be objectively measured, but instead must be communicated alongside the product to ensure it is credible to consumers.

In the research reported here we assess whether demands and concerns about various credence aspects of meat production are growing and likely to have a significant impact on the beef industry. For the purposes of this research we have focused on the credence attributes of: health and nutrition, ethical concerns about animal welfare, and sustainability concerns, including the environmental consequence of production on landscapes, biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions.

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2020 Webinar Supply Chains – Analysis from input suppliers through to end markets

Dr Peggy Schrobback & Associate Professor Delwar Akbar

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2020 Webinar Production Economics – Modelling production at the enterprise level

Production Economics – Modelling production at the enterprise level

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Rural economic issues: a background paper

This paper explores the influences, challenges, opportunities and approaches to rural economic development in Queensland. It focuses on economic development and diversification centred on agricultural food and fibre value chain development and related regional industries. The paper describes the current situation of Queensland’s rural economy and the factors that are influencing it. It outlines the characteristics of a vibrant rural economy and summarises current and emerging rural economic development issues, initiatives and policies. The paper has been developed to provide information that forms the basis for the development of research, practice and policy priorities for the Rural Economies Centre Queensland

Professor Allan Dale, The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Cairns; Professor John Rolfe, CQUniversity, Rockhampton; Professor John Cole & Professor Jim Cavaye, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba - 2018

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