Quilpie is almost 1000km from Brisbane

Has a population of 790 with 654 residing in the town

Quilpie Wellspring provides a vision for new micro enterprises clustered on a 3.9 ha site in the heart of Quilpie

Stage one being three new enterprises providing solar distilled water from the Great Artesian Basin, local craft beer and fresh aquaponics produce of local fish and vegetables

Regional Innovation

Quilpie WellSpring: a circular economy concept for remote and arid regions

Regional innovation and circular economy


Quilpie Shire is located in South-West Queensland, approximately 1,000 km west

of Brisbane and has a population of 790, of which 654 reside in the town of Quilpie.

Inspired by Quilpie’s existing tourism and lifestyle image as an oasis in the arid

outback landscape, the theme of water and its smart use in the Outback was adopted

as the focus for new ideas attract local business and employment.



Using a best practice approach to sustainable development and circular economy principles,

Quilpie Wellspring provides a vision for new micro enterprises clustered on a 3.9 ha site in

the heart of Quilpie. The mixed-use precinct is planned as a five-stage project with stage one

being three new enterprises providing solar distilled water from the Great Artesian Basin,

local craft beer and fresh aquaponics produce of local fish and vegetables with supporting

arid food forest, ecological lagoon and public open space.



Project owner: Quilpie Shire Council 

Design & Concept: Vitalplaces

Finance expertise: Climate KIC Australia

Regional policy and economic impact: Rural Economies Centre of Excellence